CIDR stands for, Classless Inter Domain Routing. CIDR is a way to allocate and specify the Internet addresses used in inter-domain router more flexibly than with the original system of Internet Protocol address classes. As a result, the number of available Internet addresses has been greatly increased. CIDR is now the routing system used by virtually all gateway hosts on the Internet\'s backbone network. Many small companies also benefit from CIDR in that 4 Class C\'s can be grouped into one subnet to provide over 1000 IP Addresses.

Network TypeSubnet MaskNo of Ips
Slash billion
Slash 1128.0.0.02 billion
Slash 2192.0.0.01billion
Slash 3224.0.0.0500 million
Slash 4240.0.0.0250 million
Slash 5248.0.0.0128 million
Slash 6252.0.0.064 million
Slash 7254.0.0.032 million
Slash 8255.0.0.016 million
Slash 9255.128.0.08 million
Slash 10255.192.0.04 million
Slash 11255.224.0.02 million
Slash 12255.240.0.01 million
Slash 13255.248.0.0524288
Slash 14255.252.0.0262144
Slash 15255.254.0.0131072
Slash 16255.255.0.065536
Slash 17255.255.128.032768
Slash 18255.255.192.016384
Slash 19255.255.224.08192
Slash 20255.255.240.04096
Slash 21255.255.248.02048
Slash 22255.255.252.01024
Slash 23255.255.254.0512
Slash 24255.255.255.0256
Slash 25255.255.255.128128
Slash 26255.255.255.19264
Slash 27255.255.255.22432
Slash 28255.255.255.24016
Slash 29255.255.255.2488
Slash 30255.255.255.2524
Slash 31255.255.255.2542
Slash 32255.255.255.2551

The first few on the list would be very difficult to manage network and the last two meaningless subnet mask that would serve no purpose since the only two ip addresses available are taken by the either the network number and broadcast address or are lacking in either.

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